
           Videos.com is a free video search engine that indexes millions of online videos from all across the web. It didn't invent online video search, it just made it simpler, faster, and more dynamic, with instant access to thousands of new videos added daily.
Tips And Tricks
    - Use quotes to narrow your search (i.e. "stars").
   -  Type [site] to only show videos from a particular site (i.e. youtube).
    - Type [site] [query] to only search a particular site (i.e. youtube music).
    - Type [query] no [site] to exclude videos from a particular site (i.e. music no youtube).
    - Type new [query] to only search in newly added videos (i.e. new music).
    - Type popular [query] to only search in popular videos (i.e. popular music).
    - Type long [query] to only search in videos which are over 10 minutes long (i.e. long music).
    - Type highest rated [query] to only search in highest rated videos (i.e. highest rated music).
    - Type adult [query] to only search in adult videos (i.e. adult girls).
    - Type how to [query] to search instructional videos (i.e. how to fix cars).
    - Click on the New Videos tab for all videos added in the last 24 hours.
    - Click on the Popular Videos tab for today's most popular videos.
    - Click on the Long Videos tab for all videos over 45 minutes long.
    - Click on the Highest Rated tab for all videos rated 4 stars and above.
    - Click on the Being Watched tab for the top 25 videos being watched right now. User beware, clicking on the Click here to refresh link at the top of that page can be dangerously addicting!
    - Each video has its own live chat room. If you see more than one person watching any video, feel free to say hi.
    - To skip the searchbox altogether, you can type any video search directly into your browser's URL bar, followed by .videos.com (i.e music.videos.com for music videos, new.videos.com for new videos, long.videos.com for long videos, etc.). Use a period instead of a whitespace to separate each word of your query (i.e. to search for "rap music", you would enter rap.music.videos.com). Videos.com's Url Search™ feature works with all web browsers, and does not require plugins or toolbars.

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